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EQI® Hoof & Coats 700g - For coat shine and strong hooves in horses

EQI® Hoof & Coats 700g - For coat shine and strong hooves in horses

Regular price €26,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €26,00 EUR
Unit price €37,14  per  kg
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For coat shine and strong hooves

Brittle hooves, poor horn quality and dull, shaggy fur are often signs of an inadequate supply of trace elements and vitamins. By using EQI® Hoof & Coats, your horse is provided with highly available organic trace elements and biotin every day. The result is an improvement in hoof, skin and fur quality. BIO Key® zinc, copper and manganese are highly available trace elements in the form of chelates. These strengthen the immune system and the efficiency of the enzyme systems that are responsible for shiny fur, strong hooves, supple skin and the pigmentation and structure of the coat. The combination with biotin in EQI® Hoof & Coats has a positive effect on important metabolic processes (fat, protein and carbohydrate metabolism).
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